20 Proven Health Benefits of L Glutamine

l glutamine

L Glutamine (l-glutamine or 2,5-diamino-5-oxo-pentanoic acid) is the most abundant amino acid found in the human body’s bloodstream. It makes up a ratio of between 30 to 36 percent of the amino acid nitrogen found in blood. Approximately 61 percent of the body’s skeletal mass is also composed of the substance. The important amino acid is one of 20 amino acids found in dietary protein. It is also included in animal and plant proteins.

The amino acid is considered to be essential because the body uses large quantities to function correctly. It is the foundation of protein. The human body uses it for brain function, physical performance, and to grow muscle. The amino acid also has very strong anti-catabolism properties which prevent the breakdown of the body’s muscles.

L Glutamine Powder

L Glutamine powder has been used by the fitness industry for years because of its ability to preserve muscle mass. The substance has been a key ingredient in many commercial muscle-building formulas. It prevents the breakdown of muscle, assists weight loss, burns fat, builds muscle, and also helps improve the body’s protein metabolism. In recent years, L Glutamine has also been shown to assist with leaky gut, improve the immune system’s function and prevent muscle wasting in people suffering from chronic health conditions.

L Glutamine Benefits

Many people mistakenly believe that L Glutamine is only for bodybuilders. It is true, that the supplement is a key cornerstone supplement for athletes and bodybuilders, but it is also ideal for anyone. It is essential for everyone’s body to receive an adequate supply to maintain the immune system and intestinal function. The body uses it to boost the white blood cells in the body. This is especially beneficial for people suffering from immune system disorders such as AIDS or cancer.

In recent years, the key amino acid has also become available in capsules as well as powder form. Its physical benefits are numerous.


  1. Intestinal Performance: The body’s intestines require the key amino acid to repair and rebuild cells. The supplement assists your gastrointestinal performance.
  2. Ulcers and Leaky Gut: Significantly relieves and repairs both ulcers and leaky gut.
  3. Sugar and Carb Needs: Curbs the body’s lust for sugar and carbs. This can be highly beneficial for individuals wanting to lose weight.
  4. Alcoholism: Assists in alleviating the body’s craving for alcohol. There is no magic cure for alcoholism, but any small thing that can help a person battle the disease is beneficial.
  5. Improves Brain Function:  It acts as a key neurotransmitter which improves the brain’s abilities by increasing concentration, memory, and focus. The amino acid may be crucial for people suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.
  6. Muscles: Muscle growth and function are significantly improved. Such a boost is wonderful for someone working out and hoping to create muscle mass. It is also good for individuals suffering from conditions that cause muscle wasting such as cancer and AIDS/
  7. Bowel Function: Mucus secretions in the bowel are increased which helps normalize bowel movements and prevents bouts of diarrhea. It is highly beneficial for sufferers of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and diverticulosis.
  8. Diabetes: Helps balance the body’s glucose leaves which assists in diabetes treatments.
  9. Endurance: Endurance is dramatically increased which improves your overall athletic physical performance abilities.
  10. Burns Fat: It not only burns fat but also increases metabolism. This makes it a key supplement for anyone wanting to lose weight.
  11. Cancer Treatments: Cancer sufferers undergoing high dose chemotherapy, radiation, and bone marrow transplants have shown a more positive outcome when using the amino acid, according to research studies performed by the Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences, IEL-Nutrition Physiology at the University of Bonn in Bonn, Germany.
  12. Immunity Support:  It helps regulate the IgA immune response in the body which assists in battling viruses and other infections.
  13.  Quick Recovery: After working out, you will have a quick recovery and sufferer from fewer bouts of exhaustion.
  14. Reduces Fatigue/Increases Energy: The supplement reduces bouts of fatigue and increases the body’s overall energy levels.
  15. Creates Lean Muscles: It helps increase muscle mass while creating lean, more visually appealing muscle mass.
  16. Less Soreness: Workout soreness is often an unpleasant result of a good and prolonged workout. The amino acid helps reduce muscle soreness so you feel like working out again the next day.
  17. Cardiac Function: The heart is the body’s most important muscle. The supplement helps improve its overall functioning ability and reduces the likelihood of cardiac problems. It may also help regulate blood pressure.
  18. Detoxification and Liver Health: A liver that is not functioning at its utmost abilities will often allow ammonia to build up in the body. Ammonia negatively affects the liver and the brain. Amping up the body’s ability to detoxify controls ammonia and also reduces toxins in the body.
  19. Helps Healing: Physicians often prescribe the amino acid to improve healing after surgery and prevent bacterial infections that can occur at the site of the incision.
  20. Repairs Muscle and Tendon Damage: Helps to heal and repair torn muscles and ligaments in the body.

L Glutamine Dosage

There are two types of L glutamine available that you can take as a supplement. Regular L glutamine comes in what is known as a free form. It should always be taken with food so that the body can adequately absorb it. The second type of L glutamine is called Trans-Alanyl or Alanyl L Glutamine. In this form it is an amino acid that is attached to a second amino acid. This form it is easily digested and you do not need to take it with food.

You should take 10 to 15 grams of L Glutamine if you are seriously working out. Ideally, you need to break up the dosage into 5 grams two to three times per day. Remember that many protein supplements contain varying levels of the key amino acid so you should read all labels closely. Ideally, you should take the supplement in the mornings and at night. If you work out during the day you can also take it right before your workout regime.  If you do not work out excessively, you should take 2 to 5 grams per day. You should break the dosage up throughout the day.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should consult with your physician before using supplements.

Boosting the Power of Proteins

Taking L Glutamine in combination with proteins such as whey or casein boosts the overall performance of all of the proteins. This is why it is often an ingredient in protein and muscle building powers.

L Glutamine Side Effects

L Glutamine has no known side effects. However, if you use the supplement extensively then you should consider taking B12. Vitamin B12 controls the amino acid buildup in the body.

Some people can sufferer from an allergic reaction to the supplement. Possible allergy symptoms include:

  •  Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach Pain
  • Flatulence
  • Swelling of the hands or feet
  • Headache
  • Dry mouth
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle Pain
  • Joint Pain
  • Back Pain
  • Runny Nose
  • Excessive Perspiration
  • Dry Mouth
  • Skin Rash

Food That Contain L Glutamine

You can naturally obtain some levels of the amino acid in your daily diet. It can be found in both animal and plant proteins. Typically, the plant based proteins are easier to digest than the animal based.

  • Beans
  • Parsley
  • Cabbage
  • Raw Spinach
  • Bone Broth
  • Nuts
  • Asparagus
  • Turkey
  • Venison
  • Grass-fed Beef
  • Chinese Cabbage
  • Spirulina
  • Tuna
  • Cod
  • Chicken
  • Eggs
  • Salmon
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Broccoli Raab

Depletion of L Glutamine

Training hard, working out, running marathons, and other forms of physical activity deplete the body’s production of the important amino acid by as much as 20 to 30 percent. The reduction is usually noticeable within three days of the intense workout period. The depletion can last up to nine days before the body can successfully make up the amino acid and restore the body’s levels.

Muscles that do not contain adequate levels of L Glutamine will fail to develop naturally and a person will not be able to achieve the physical, muscular look that they desire. Overall physical performance sufferers by lack of endurance, strength, and mass. Reduced levels also weaken the immune system and make a person more vulnerable to diseases. Bouts of fatigue will become frequent, especially after working out.

Understanding and Buying Supplements and Powders

When shopping for supplements or powders you might notice that some are advertised as containing  L Glutamine and others simple list Glutamine. There are two distinct forms of the amino acid:  D-Glutamine and L-Glutamine. However, all supplements and powders are L Glutamine even if they do not have the ‘L’ in front of the name.

Choosing to take L Glutamine is a personal choice. However, the addition of the key amino acid to your dietary plan either as a supplement, powder, or through natural foods is undoubtedly favorable for your overall health. As with anything, obtaining a supplement is a balancing act so you should focus not only on obtaining the amino acid naturally through the foods you consume but also as a daily supplement. If you want to gain the innumerable health benefits, improve muscle performance, maintain your weight, and increase your energy then this is definitely a supplement that is worth trying.









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