11 Proven Health Benefits of Walking (#8 IS My Favorite)

family walking health benefits

The guidelines for physical activity for adult Americans recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week, which offers multiple health benefits and helps to reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, obesity and cancer.

Studies have proven that regular walking can reduce the rate of mortality by as much as 40%, and it’s so easy to do! It requires no facility, equipment or careful planning, and is easy to implement as a family. Sitting for 8 hours or more per day accounts for a 90% increased risk of developing heart disease and diabetes, and by just walking for 25 minutes per day you can increase your lifespan by as much as 7 years. In fact, studies have proven that just walking for 2 minutes out of every hour can increase your lifespan by a remarkable 33%, which is extremely encouraging.

60% of Americans have reportedly chosen walking as their weekly physical activity, and are consistently meeting the minimum standards. Here are 11 reasons to join them:

1..It Helps You to Lose Weight

Walking burns calories and can help you to lose weight easily and effectively. It burns between 75-150 calories per half hour, which can either help you to lose weight or to maintain it, depending on your calorie intake.

2. It Keeps Your Heart Healthy

Studies have proven that walking can reduce the risk of stroke or heart disease by as much as 33%. It boosts circulation, strengthens your heart muscle, removes toxins and improves oxygen flow throughout your body.

3. It Elevates Your Mood

Physical activity such as walking has been proven to stimulate endorphins, which are known as the ‘happy hormones’ in the body. By walking just a few minutes a day you will benefit from reduced stress and a lighter, happier mood.

4. It Lowers Blood Pressure  walking walking along lake

Stress is one of the leading causes of hypertension, and walking is the perfect antidote. It helps to eliminate acidity, toxins and muscle tension as well as reducing the level of cortisol (stress hormone) in your blood. Light to moderate activity has proven to be highly effective in lowering blood pressure.

5. It Prevents Diabetes

Multiple diabetic associations have introduced walking programs as it has been proven to effectively reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by up to 60%. Walking promotes blood sugar stability by stimulating the usage of carbohydrates in your system, as well as improving fat loss.

6. It Tones Your Body

Walking uses some of the largest muscles in your body: your legs, butt and stomach. This helps to keep your body toned, lean and fit, and promotes lifelong strength and vitality.

7. It Gives You Energy

While walking burns calories, but it also stimulates an increase in oxygen transportation throughout your body, which gives every living cell more energy. It also improves circulation and releases toxins through a light sweat, which prevents stress, fatigue and general sluggishness: the perfect pick-me-up!

8. It Boosts Your Vitamin D Intake

Vitamin D is most often absorbed through the skin from the sun’s rays, and is rarely found in sufficient amounts in food. By walking frequently, you will be ensuring that you get sufficient Vitamin D, which keeps your bones and teeth strong and has been proven to prevent multiple diseases, such as cancer and multiple sclerosis.

9. It Prevents Dementia  couple walking together

Regular walking has been proven to prevent age-related dementia, such as Alzheimer’s, memory loss and literal brain shrinkage. Walking just 20 minutes per day serves as a proactive measure against dementia, no matter when you start to implement it.

10. It Detoxifies Your Entire Body

Moderate physical activity such as walking is known to stimulate the lymphatic system, which requires us to move in order to flush out toxins. By giving your body the opportunity to have a light sweat and to take good, deep breaths, it helps to release excess fluid, waste and toxins that can become trapped in a sluggish system.

11. It Improves Digestive Health

Research has revealed that regular walking boosts your digestive health significantly, stimulating metabolism and keeping bowel movements regular. This helps to prevent obesity, constipation, colon cancer, bloating, toxicity and ultimately, immense discomfort.






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